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My travel qoates
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Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Mayor Rahimah Salih of Tandubas received CSC Awards during the province day celebration of Tawi -Tawi

Tandubas, Tawi-Tawi  -  Mayor Rahimah Salih of Tandubas municipality received a Plaque of Commendation for its untiring and unselfish efforts, sincere commitment and unwavering supports to CSC Programs, project and activities and enhance the public services in Tawi-Tawi.

The said Plaque of Commendation was received last Sept.26, 2017 during the awards night of the 44th Kamahardikaan Sin Tawi-Tawi  celebration  with other awardees  by Governor Rashidin Matba.

Mayor Salih was very surprised about the award she received because she never expected and the only thing she did is to work hard and implements what is good for her municipality. “Hindi ko inasahan ito, dahil and alam ko lang magtraho hangat makakaya ko”, the mayor said.
Tandubas work-force together with their energetic mayor Rahimah Salih with her Vice Mayor Fatimah Saida Maing.

In this award, the LGU of Tandubas was very excited  to serving the people  because the national government appreciated their efforts even though they were in coastal area of the Autonomous Region.

Mayor Rahimah Salih also thankful to all the employees of Tandubas, with the help of Vice Mayor Fatimah Saida Maing for their efforts and support during the activities. (By: Becky D. de Asis-The Redline News)

Sibutu LGU bags awards during the celebration of the 44th Kamahardikaan Sin Tawi-Tawi

Sibutu, Tawi-Tawi  - After the  hard work and efforts to gain a  perfect performance of  preparing the 44th Kamahardikaan Sin Tawi-Tawi.

The municipality of Sibutu bags more awards from the national and local agencies for their continued support of the government programs  and activities.

Mayor Al-Shefa Pajiji with his wife Elvira Pajiji warmly welcomed by provincial government of Tawi-Tawi during the long week celebration of the province.

SIbutu delegates shows their untiring and unique dance showdown during the Seaweeds Festival, which is one of the highlight of the 44th Kamahardikaan Sin Tawi-Tawi.

The long week celebration of Kamahardikaan was ended by distributing of Plaque of Commendation and Recognition were the Sibutu LGU received  2-awards from the Civil Service Commission (CSC) for for the untiring and unselfish efforts, sincere commitment and unwavering support to CSC programs, projects and activities and immensely enhance the public service and they received also the Plaque of Recognition for attaining 92.87% on the ARTA Survey.

The said two (2) awards was received by Mayor Al-Shefa Pajiji during the awards night last Sept.26, 2017 in Languyan municipality during the 44th Kamahardikaan Sin Tawi-Tawi by Governor Rashidin Matba. (By: Becky D. de Asis-The Redline News Philippines)

Feature: Bensuod A. Ajihil public service oriented and tennis enthusiasts

The Engineer, Tennis Enthusiasts, the good man of the old and young generation or millennial's. Engineer.

Bensuod  A. Ajihil wearing his Tausog wardrobes during the Celebration of the 44th Kamahardikaan Sin Tawi-Tawi in Languyan.

Engineer Bensoud A Ajihil was the District Engineer of Tawi-Tawi Engineering Distict Office.

He is public service oriented, committed to serve the people of Tawi-Tawi. (By: Becky D. de Asis)

132 loose firearms yielded to gov’t forces in Lanao del Sur

 Warring clans yielded more than a hundred loose firearms to security and local government officials in Lanao del Sur.

Through the combined efforts of the Joint Task Force Central and the local government units, the Oplan “Reaper” that was launched since July 1, 2017 yielded to the surrender of a total of 132 high-powered and low-powered firearms by warring families in the coastal municipalities of Kapatagan, Balabagan, Malabang, Picong and Marogong, all in Lanao del Sur.

“The Oplan ‘Reaper’ was launched by the troops of the 6th Infantry Battalion, in alignment with the Development Support and Security Plan Kapayapaan of the Armed Forces of the Philippines and the Ranao Ragat Inter-Agency Task Force, to conduct RIDO settlement among warring families in the province,” said Major General Arnel Dela Vega, commander of the Joint Task Force Central.

Through the series of negotiations and dialogues with local officials and other stakeholders, warring clans surrendered 103 high-powered and 29 low-powered firearms.

Of the 132, 13 firearms were surrendered by the clans in Kapatagan, 30 in Balabagan, 40 in Malabang, 19 in Picong, and 30 in Marogong.

Further surrendered to the government forces were 18 magazines, seven clips for Garand rifle, and 63 rounds of ammunition.

Said firearms and war materiel were turned over to the local government units of the five coastal municipalities in Lanao del Sur.

They are currently in the custody of the 6IB troops.
“The Oplan ‘Reaper’ will continue to be implemented as an initiative of the armed forces to assist local government units in keeping the peace and order in the province amid the crisis in Marawi City and the implementation of Martial Law in the whole of Mindanao, especially now that we are seeing its efficiency,” said Lieutenant General Carlito G. Galvez, Jr., commander of the Western Mindanao Command.

“In the long run, we expect to achieve more as we receive more support from the different organizations and the people of Mindanao.”

“We would like to recognize the combined efforts of the 6IB and the local government units within their area of operations for this successful endeavor,” added LtGen Galvez.

Meanwhile, a high-powered firearm, ammunition, and war materiel of the Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters were seized in a clearing operation of the military in Maguindanao yesterday.

In his report to the WestMinCom, Major General Arnel Dela vega, the Joint Task Force Central Commander, said that elements of the 2nd Mechanized Infantry Battalion and the 33rd Infantry Battalion, on combat clearing operation, seized an M14 rifle, magazines, 7.62mm live ammo, an ICOM radio, a pistol holster, COMELEC and MNLF identification cards, a charger, sets of Battle Dress Attire, and a plastic PVC pipe in Barangay Montay, Datu Piang, Maguindanao, at 7:40am last October 2.

Operating troops brought the recovered items to the headquarters of the 2nd Mechanized Battalion for proper disposition.

“I commend the efforts of our troops of the Joint Task Force Central for the recent accomplishment,” said Lieutenant General Carlito G. Galvez, Jr., commander of the Western Mindanao Command.

“Rest assured that the Armed Forces will not stop until Mindanao is freed from the present adversities,” added LtGen Galvez, Jr.

House tackles sufficiency of Sereno impeachment

MANILA -- The House of Representatives on Thursday started its deliberations on whether the impeachment complaint against Chief Justice Maria Lourdes Sereno has sufficient grounds.

House Justice Committee chair Reynaldo Umali said they will determine if there are sufficient grounds for Sereno’s impeachment based on the allegations in the complaint filed by lawyer Larry Gadon and other pleadings from both parties.

Gadon sought the ouster of Sereno on the grounds of culpable violation of the Constitution, corruption, other high crimes and betrayal of public trust.

Sereno’s camp filed a verified answer calling for the dismissal of Gadon’s complaint, noting that the charges are “totally false” and “absolutely without any basis on the facts.”

In his 32-page reply, Gadon described Sereno’s verified answer as a “litany of lamentable lies and lame logic” designed to maneuver her escape from impeachment.

Sereno said in a 30-page rejoinder that Gadon’s reply failed to substantiate the allegations in his impeachment complaint, noting that his arguments are insufficient, without any evidence, and are even contradictory to his own allegations.

“We will take into consideration not just the complaint but also the answer, reply and rejoinder,” Umali said.
Umali, however, said that the committee will not allow Sereno’s request to cross-examine witnesses through her legal counsel.

Sereno has filed two letters asserting her right to allow her lawyers to confront and cross-examine witnesses on her behalf during the impeachment proceedings.

Umali said the determination of sufficient grounds is akin to a preliminary investigation wherein cross-examination is not allowed. (PNA)    

Pres. Duterte meets parents of slain UST law student

MANILA -- President Rodrigo Roa Duterte on Wednesday, October 4, vowed swift justice for the death of a University of Santo Tomas (UST) freshman law student.

The President gave the assurance during his meeting with Horacio Jr. and Carmina Castillo, parents of Horacio Tomas Castillo III in Malacañan Palace. Castillo died of heart attack last month allegedly while undergoing hazing.

The Chief Executive assured Horacio’s parents that justice would be served and that there would be full transparency in the ongoing police investigation.

During the meeting which lasted for almost an hour, the Castillos expressed fear of a cover up by some groups which may derail the filing of charges against those involved into the death of their son.
Hence, upon request of the Castillo family, the President made a phone call to the chief of the Manila Police District (MPD) during the meeting and asked MPD to be the lead investigating body of the case.

In addition, President Duterte said the Department of Justice (DOJ) would validate the result of the MPD’s probe. At the same time, he said he would discuss during Wednesday’s Cabinet meeting the possible cancellation of the passport of a suspect who fled the country.

He said the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) wants to coordinate with the International Police Organization or INTERPOL on the matter.

During the meeting, President Duterte also talked about the culture of brotherhood among university students which had become a serious concern.

He said it's time for Congress to pass a legislation that would stop deadly hazing rites and at the same time, colleges and universities should do their share to resolve this perennial problem.

In a media interview after the meeting, the President said that impeachment complaints maybe filed against Supreme Court Chief Justice Maria Lourdes Sereno and Ombudsman Conchita Carpio-Morales.

President Duterte said the Ombudsman berates people for delay of justice and yet the “Ombudsman is the number one who's doing selective justice.” He also accused the Ombudsman of using falsified documents.

On the other hand, the President said Sereno did not include in her Statement of Assets, Liabilities, and Net Worth (SALN) all the earnings she accumulated.

“Kasi hinahamon ko nga sila. Why don’t we go to Congress? The three of us --- Sereno, siya, pati ako and we will bring the passbook or the statement of the Central Bank. I will ask for it myself,” he said.

“Then ipakita natin doon but we sign because what perceives to be a problem for the Republic is the Chief Justice na hindi rin pala nag-file ng SALN niya, the huge attorney’s fees niya sa Piatco case,” he added. (PND)

OPAPP Undersecretary Nabil Tan visit evacuation center

Nabil Tan, The Presidential Adviser On the Peace Process Undersecretary, hit a gong as part of symbolic gift last Sunday, October 1, 2017.

The Gong  to shows the gratitude of the people of Marawi and  Iligan for welcoming evacuees  who affected by the armed conflict between military and PRO Islamic State militants. 

The event held at the city Plaza of Iligan, as part of the culmination of Peace Month Caravan attended by ASEC. Dickson Hermoso, Marawi City Mayor Majul Usman Gandamra and evacuees coming from different evacuation centers. (By:Mark Navales)

EU Ambassadors visit Cotabato City to reiterate the commitment to support the peace process and development in Mindanao

 EU Ambassador Franz Jessen together with EU Member States Ambassadors met with MILF Chairman Al Haj Murad Ebrahim at Camp Darapanan, Sultan Kudarat Maguindanao, ARMM Executive Secretary Laisa Alamia, UN Mindanao Humanitarian Team, the International Monitoring Team (IMT) and NGOs and CSOs in Mindanao.  (By Mark Navales)

EU Ambassador Franz Jessen together with EU Member States Ambassadors, Jan Top Christensen (Denmark), Marion Derckx (Netherlands), Embassy of Netherlands , Ambassador Harald Fries (Sweden), József Bencze (Hungary), Bita Rasoulia (Austria),  Michel Goffin (Belgium), and Mihai Sion (Romania), visited Cotabato City from 2 to 3 October 2017 to reiterate the commitment of the EU to support the peace process and development in Mindanao.

 They were joined by deputy ambassadors Roland Schissau (Germany), David Ambrus (Hungary), Thomas Wiersing Policy Officer, ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) EEAS European External Action Service (EEAS) Edoardo Manfredini and Javier Prieto, programme manager and regional senior adviser) from EU Delegation, and  Mrs. Christine Carole, counsellor (France) and Ms. Silvia Magdalena Vaca, senior programme manager (Spain).

"Our visit to Mindanao demonstrates the EU’s continuous support for the Mindanao peace process and development in the region", said Ambassador Jessen.

" While there are still many challenges which lie ahead, we remain hopeful that peace and stability will be restored soon in Mindanao", said Ambassador Jessen. "We call on peace stakeholders to remain steadfast with their commitment to help push for peacebuilding in Southern Philippines".    

The EU and Member States representatives visited Cotobato to promote the culture of peace that has marked the very creation of the European Union which is based on efforts to overcome divisions and promote peace.

"The EU's DNA is peace", said Ambassador Jessen who reminded that the EU received the Nobel Peace Prize in 2012.

The EU has set itself the goal of promoting peace in other parts of the world including gin the Philippines.

During the tour, the group of Ambassadors met with MILF Chairman Al Haj Murad Ebrahim, ARMM Executive Secretary Laisa Alamia, UN Mindanao Humanitarian Team, the International Monitoring Team (IMT) and NGOs and CSOs in Mindanao.

In the Philippines, the EU and the member states have supported the peace process through all available means from the political level, support to mediation, practical confidence building measures at the grassroots level to financial support for victims of conflict.

As a member of the International Monitoring Team, the EU has ensured respect of human rights and protected civilians threated by violence.

Over the years the European Union has adapted its funding programs to the changing needs of the Peace Process. The EU funding is targeting support for increasing inclusiveness through various information and consultation activities, demining and education related to mine risks, monitoring through the Third Party Monitoring Team and protection of human rights. Funding is also provided for income generating activities particularly through the Mindanao Trust Fund, to ensure that peace dividends are perceived by the population.(With Report by Mark Navales)