My travel qoates

My travel qoates
travel addict

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Feature: Pearl of Yshmael now at Museum of Culture and Arts of Languyan

Alluring, pretty Pearl of Yshmael got more viewers and visitors since Mayor Yshamel E. Sali of Languyan built her new museum that more people can visit her catching  beauty, a charm of Languyan.

The pearl of Yshmael  has 10.3kg, a second largest Pearl of the world.

The men and women of Languyan Municipal Government pursuing their time and efforts of making perfect everything in museum, headed by Atty, Pershing Taiyab, the most energetic municipal secertary and information officer of Languyan. (By: Becky d. de Asis)

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Features: Sibuco, Zamboanga Del Norte

Sibuco lambasted by typhoon Paolo 

Sibuco, a coastal municipality of Zamboanga Del Norte. 

Most of the  people here are dominantly Muslims. 

This is the  First Class municipality and it has a population of 34,620 people. 

Sibuco a neighboring  municipaliy of  Zamboanga City and it has 28 barangays.

The present Mayor here is Mayor  Norbideiri B. Edding a third termer. 

This municipality was created by virtue of Republic Act. Bo. 2195 which was approved by the congress on May 07, 1959 and it was formally a municipal district of Siocon.

Accordingly,  Sibuco is a First Class municipality but it has a lowest tax income in the whole province  rated a very poor  depended only on  Internal Revenue Allotment or Ira.

Previously , the municipality failed to set up for the special accounts for the 20% Economic Development Fund contrary to requirement of Section 107  and 108 of the New Government Accounting  System (NGAS), which exposes the funds for possible misuse  since included in regular fund.

This Last Frontier of Zamboanga Del Norte of the South still poor among the poorest municipality because allegedly it has no municipal building,  barangay halls,  roads was very poor, no ports-dilapidated and even public market and terminals  allegedly no implementations.

President Rodrigo Duterte said during his speech aired in PTV4, that after war on drugs and Marawi seige, he must focus on corruptions " I will never tolerated corrupt government" he would get rid on corruption.

But Sibuco still shimmering,  that someday she can stand by her own, develop and  turning a poor municipality into  tourists destination as Last Frontier of the South, not shamelessly to say, but be proud of.

On the other hand, Sibuco lambasted Typhoon Paolo, hundreds of houses raked and damaged including their livelihood.

People here evacuated to other neighboring municipalities and barangays to saved their lives  and properties. (By: Becky D. de Asis)