My travel qoates

My travel qoates
travel addict

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Otters in Turtle Islands produce 3 pups

By Teofilo Garcia, Jr.  

ISLAND OTTERS. The smooth-coated otters surprised residents in the municipality of Turtle Islands, Tawi-Tawi when they surfaced from their den together with three pups. The pair of otters was first seen on the island on May 14. (Photo courtesy of the Turtle Islands Municipal Police Station)

ZAMBOANGA CITY – The Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) said the pair of smooth-coated otters (Lutrogaleperspicillata) reported in May in Turtle Islands, Tawi-Tawi, surprised the residents last week when they emerged from their den accompanied by three pups.

DENR-Region 9 executive director Crisanta Marlene Rodriguez said it was the first time that the otters, locally known as “HanjingLaut”, were seen outside their normal area of distribution.

“Studies indicate that smooth-coated otters are originally from Malaysia and Indonesia and it is just surprising to know that they have now reached Taganak Island,” Rodriguez said in a statement Thursday.

The municipality of Turtle Islands, called Taganak by locals, is located within the Sulu Sea at the south-western tip of the country and at the edge of the international treaty limits separating the Philippines and Malaysia.

Rodriguez said Turtle Islands Wildlife Sanctuary (TIWS) Protected Area Superintendent Minda Bairula reported to her that the residents spotted the otters with their pups frolicking in the sand.

Bairula said it was on July 31 that a resident living near the shoreline reported to their office that she heard sounds of newly-born animals coming from the den of the otters.

It was only on August 17 that a Protected Area Management Office (PAMO) staff spotted the baby otters coming out from the den.

Rodriguez said with the help of the Turtle Island policemen, DENR personnel managed to video-document the parent otters and the pups playing along the shoreline.

“I have also instructed Bairula, who is on site, to record the biology, habits, and behavior of the otters and continue coordinating with our office as we are also consulting with experts from the Biodiversity Management Bureau and the International Union on the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Otter Specialist Group,” Rodriquez said.

She also said her office is constrained from sending technical experts to Turtle Islands to conduct further studies on the otters because of the limited trips, transportation, and quarantine protocols due to the prevailing coronavirus disease (Covid-19) pandemic.

The residents in Turtle Islands first reported the sighting of two smooth-coated otters playing in their shoreline on May 14, which stirred curiosity as it was the first time that they have seen the animals on their island.

Turtle Islands or Taganak is part of the Turtle Islands Wildlife Sanctuary, which is Southeast Asia’s largest marine turtle sanctuary and a declared protected area under Republic Act 11038, otherwise known as the Expanded National Integrated Protected Areas System Law. (PNA)


Thursday, August 6, 2020

Puerto Princesa: A Princess of its own

 By Jay Ledesma

DAVAO CITY – If you’re looking for a destination that offers attraction ranging from beaches to wildlife reserves, the place to be is Puerto Princesa.

We spent one Holy Week in this city capital of the island province of Palawan. The moment we got out of the airport, we immediately understood why Puerto Princesa has been acclaimed several times as the cleanest and greenest city in the Philippines. For us, coming from Davao City, which also has been awarded the country’s cleanest city, the clean and fresh air of Puerto Princesa come as a special treat.

There’s so much to explore in Puerto Princesa. But the best and not to be missed tourist spot is the world-renowned Puerto Princesa Subterranean River National Park, famously known as the Underground River. This was our first stop.

Named as one of the New 7 Wonders of the World and included in the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) World Heritage Sites since 1995, the Underground River is something all Filipinos can be proud of.

Upon entrance to the river, the cave is filled with nothing but darkness, giving it a mystical ambiance. The only source of light is the torch at the front of the canoe we were riding in.

Once inside this 8.2 kilometer-long underground river, we can’t help but marvel at the jaw-dropping cave formations, stunning limestone cliffs, and pristine waters, which also turned out freezing cold.

In each turn of this winding river, we were awed by the magnificent stalactites and stalagmites, which over thousands of years, have turned to various shapes and forms. Our favorite is the formation resembling the nativity scene.

There’s supposed to be a variety of species in the caves to include fish, crabs, giant spiders, bats, swallows, and snakes. But we only saw are fish and bats when we were there.

We ended the 45-minute Underground River canoe ride with so much pride that this beautiful creation is God’s gift to Filipinos.

Our next agenda is the Honda Bay Island Tour. Honda Bay is about a 30-minute ride from Puerto Princesa. There’s supposed to be numerous islands scattered in the Bay, but our tour only included three islands -- the Luli Island, the Cowrie, and the Pambato Reef.

 The Luli Island has a beautiful white sandbar which at low tide almost forms a perfect circle. I may say it’s one of the most beautiful sandbars in the Philippines. I just wish that there are not many bamboo huts on it so the island ambiance is preserved.

The sandbar has flags all along with it so it’s perfect for selfie and groupie moments.

Our next island stop is at Cowrie Island which is known for cowrie shells. Several cabanas and spa huts welcome us on this Island. We enjoyed our seafood lunch here. My husband and I also had a body massage while the kids went snorkeling.

We ended the tour at Pambato Reef.

It is a floating platform in the middle of the ocean and serves as the gateway to a wonderful underwater paradise.

Locals call the Pambato Reef as the mini-Tubbataha. Ironically, there is no island here but only a floating cottage. It’s so cute that the roof of the floating platform is a giant sea turtle or a pawikan. The main attraction is the reef which is in the middle of the bay. The shallow sections are about 10 feet from the coral reefs. I am no swimmer and I don’t snorkel. But am glad I tried it otherwise I would have not seen that beautiful marine life. Though I still shiver each time I think of the dark deep blue portion of the ocean beyond the yellow cordon which I accidentally crossed.

It was an exciting and enjoyable island- hopping experience for us!

As it was Holy Week, we made sure that we’re able to visit the churches in the area. We were lucky that our hotel receptionist recommended that we go to Mt Calvary, PP’s religious destination. We didn’t know about this place when we got here in PP.

We went there on Holy Thursday. As its name suggests, we had to climb hills for the Station of the Cross.

It was an uphill climb at the first seven stations. The steps are steep but they have benches around for those needing a brief rest. However, it’s a descending way from the 8th station towards a replica of the tomb where Jesus was laid.

Very timely that as we ended the Station of the Cross, the mass was about to begin at the chapel located at the top of the hill, between the 7th and 8th station. The Holy Thursday mass is when the ‘washing of the feet’ is re-enacted.

How blessed we were that during the re-enactment, my family was randomly chosen as one of those whose feet were washed by the priest. What an overwhelming spiritual experience!

The must-do restaurant hopping and shopping we did during the rest of our stay in PP.

Overall, we had a grand time in Puerto Princesa. Not only did it delight our senses, but it also touched our spiritual being.

Just how a Princess would, Puerto Princesa definitely captivated us! Come and be captivated by the beauty of Puerto Princesa!