My travel qoates

My travel qoates
travel addict

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Guv Rashidin Matba donates speedboats to Tawi -Tawi tourists police - P/SSupt. Jerich Royales

Bongao, Tawi - Tawi The provincial government of Tawi-Tawi under Governor Rashidin Matba donated Two (2) Tourists Speedboat to Provincial Police Office under the leadership of P/SSupt.Jerich Tan Royales last month.

The said tourist speedboat may used to rescue or assists visiting tourists in the province.

P/SSupt.Jerich Royales who constitute the  Tourists Police group  in order  to assists the big flanks of visitors wants to visit different tourists destination here in the province.

Governor Matba immediately respond the efforts of the provincial police officer to serve and protect the people here.

He immediately released the speed boats to showed up his sincerity to help his constituents in Tawi - Tawi.(By: Becky D. de Asis)

DPWH -Tawi-Tawi conduct projects inspection in Languyan

Bongao, Tawi_Tawi  -  The Engineer's of Tawi-Tawi Engineering District headed by District Engineer Tony Kamlani Al-hadz with his Assistant Engineer Martin Maing, Al-hadz and other engineers officials visited different project's in  Languyan in order to conduct massive projects inspection recently.

District Engineer Tony Kamlani said, that ARMM-DPWH Secretary Don Loong strictly implementing all construction projects of the Autonomous Region just to give a good services to the people here.

Kamlani added that the office of DPWH Tawi -Tawi doubled their efforts to implements all projects under their responsibility  in  response the mandate of the Secretary of DPWH as per order by Regional Governor Mujiv Hataman.

The group of Engineers recently proceeded to Languyan municipality to inspect different projects like: Expansion of Languyan Ports, water systems, farm to market roads and circumferential roads connecting different island municipalities down to Bongao, the business hub of the province.(By: Becky D. de Asis)