My travel qoates

My travel qoates
travel addict

Thursday, October 19, 2017


October 20, 2017

The Philippine contingent to the 44th Ship for Southeast Asian and Japanese Youth Program (SSEAYP) embarks on a life changing journey as they attend the opening ceremonies for one of longest youth exchange programs in Tokyo, Japan.

Thirty seven young leaders representing a cross section of the Filipino youth from the Philippines' different regions together with their National Leader leave by air en route to Tokyo, Japan for the first leg of the program.

The SSEAYP is a cultural exchange program that seeks to promote friendship and cultural understanding. It brings together other participating youths from the ASEAN Member States (Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam) and Japan who embark on a 52 day voyage to the appointed countries on board the Japanese luxury liner MS Nippon Maru.

While on board, the participating youths engage in activities like discussions on thematic issues, National Day presentations, and club and sports activities. During ports of call, the participants attend courtesy calls to the heads of state, formal ceremonies, institutional visits, interaction with local youth, and homestay with local host families. After the program, each contingent will come up with an Action Plan that they need to implement within a specific time frame.

The SSEAYP started in 1974 by virtue of a Memorandum of Understanding between the government of Japan (major sponsor) and the governments of Southeast Asian countries. In the Philippines, the National Youth Commission facilitates the call for applications, selection of participants, pre-departure training, country program activities and post program evaluation. The SSEAYP is one of the youth exchange programs identified under Global Mobility, one of the centers of participation of the Philippine Youth Development Plan.(posted by: Becky D. de Asis)

Thousands of Kilusang Pagbabago received membership appointment - Siocon Mayor support federalism

Siocon, Zambo, Norte – The  kilusang Pagbabago (KP-LOI,) Zamboanga del Norte Regional Chapter conducted General Assembly in Siocon, Zamboanga del Norte last October 18, 2017.

The said assembly composed of four (4) municipalities;  Siocon, Sirawai, Sibuco and Baliguian in the said province.

The said Non-  Government Organization support's the President Duterte's Program on Federalism Form of government as part of the president's mandate “Para sa tunay na pagbabago”.

The KP-LOI pursuing the mandate of the president by disseminating   information  about federalism and helping the poor among the poorest  municipalities by uplifting the living conditions  of the people  particularly on far-flung municipalities.

The said assembly was very successful because the local government units and all mayors here are very supportive  to the group of “ Kilusang Pagbabago”.

Mayor Julius S. Lobrigas of Siocon said “my support on federalism program of our President Rodrigo Duterte is 100% and of course the Kilusang Pagbabago because through them, the mandate of our president were partially  implemented”, said the mayor.

“I will also thankful that Kilusang Pagbabago handed the program of our president in order to give the people a true information about federalism and  helping us to develop our community here”, Lobrigas added.

During the assembly,  there are 1, 240 members of Kilusang Pagbabago received  a certificate of appointments  from National, Provincial and Municipal Coordinators of the said NGO.

Jun Amores, the regional coordinator said, through the federal form of government, we totally change the laws that will never applied to our country, we campaigning to change the existing governance into  a federalism form of government”.

“This is not the issue about the problem of the country but this is the issue of the form of the government we have”, Amores added.

On the other hand, Norhida Wahid  Hajal, the municipal coordinator of Sibuco municipality also said that Kilusang Pagbabago –LOI focused on development projects of every municipality who needs their help, because the Kilusang Pagbabago helping poor among  the poorest people in order to uplift their living conditions.

“My dedication to help people most especially our municipality in Sibuco that needs my help, I really volunteer myself to do my duty as municipal coordinator  to help them as I can”, said Norhida Hajal in an interview.

The municipal coordinator also of Baliguian  Danny Inso also added that their municipality needs help and total reform for the betterment of the his constituents here.

He is very Thankful about Kilusang Pagbabago come to his municipality because their voices heard and more project implementation are coming. “Ito ang tunay na pagbabago” he added. (By: Becky D. de Asis)