My travel qoates

My travel qoates
travel addict

Friday, March 29, 2019

The empowered women in Tawi-Tawi wore the best attire

Hadja Jumda A. Sali  with her friend. wearing a beautiful, elegant Muslim attire. These two women, they are very artistic on how to wore a cloth based on the activities they attended.

These two  empowered women would be the model of the new generations especially those young Muslim women or the millennial's  urged to  them to follow the right dress code where ever they attend to.

Colors and Styles

The range of clothing you find among Muslims is a sign of the great diversity among  the Muslim community. Many Muslims choose to dress in conservative earth-tone colors such as green, blue, gray, as well as the usual black and white. Beyond this, there are no specific meanings behind the choice of color. Some colors or clothing styles are more common in certain parts of the world, based on local tradition.(source from thoughtco).

Muslim attire is one of the bests religious attire of the world. Respectable and elegant, (By: Becky D. de Asis-The Southern Traveler)

Monday, March 11, 2019

Efforts to prevent NPA from accessing foreign funds underway

MANILA -- Efforts are now underway to restrict New People's Army (NPA) rebels from accessing funds they have acquired abroad.

This was disclosed by Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) public affairs office chief Col. Noel Detoyato when asked on whether the government is doing something to stop the rebels from receiving funding abroad.

"Yes, including foreign funds they are receiving by deceiving the (foreign) donors and diverting the money to further their terroristic activities with the ultimate aim of toppling down the government and changing our way of life," he said in a message to the Philippine News Agency late Monday.

The military official earlier said only a unified and whole-of-government approach will defeat the NPA, which is listed as a terrorist organization by the United States and the European Union.

"We have identified so many factors to eradicate the communist terrorists (and these are) prevent them from accessing funds, counter their mass base recruitment and front organizations," Detoyato said.

And they can only be neutralized effectively if the government will synchronize its efforts to counter them and the threats they pose.

"We can only do this effectively if the whole government will synchronize their efforts towards a common goal (which is aimed at containing these factors that responsible for the continued operation of the NPA movement)," the AFP official added.

Once this is done, Detoyato expressed confidence that the ideology espoused by Communist Party of the Philippines founder Jose Maria "Joma" Sison and his "blind followers" will be defeated once and for all. (PNA/By /Priam Nepomuceno)